Just a few of the many kids Books by Blair Drawson
James Turner did this wonderful piece for the Globe and Mail Newspaper. The story was about the wrap up of summer festivals featuring albums, concerts, dance, visual arts and Theatre.
Henrik Drescher created this artwork about the May 21st, 2011 end of world deadline.  The ‘Rapture’ artwork was commissioned  for U+ME magazine.  A digital magazine for iPads.
Jason Munger created artwork for Allard Johnson, for a proposed Government website on Smart Energy.
Initial comp sketches for Future Shop TV spot.
This artwork was created for a pillow design for a show Maurice was in a few years back.
Here are just a few T-shirt designs created by R.O. Blechman. Â You can find these foodie T-shirts selling as gift shirts in some restaurants across the U.S.A. Â Pasta & Provisions in Charlotte, NC have the ‘Eat Pasta run Fasta’ and ‘Eat Pasta Bike Fasta’ designs by Bob.