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Carolyn Gowdy Art


November 8, 2011

Painting by Jamie Bennett


November 7, 2011

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November 4, 2011

Steve Dunk does up another print


Vive la différence Written by IN Toronto

OOH LA LA The World of Gloria Badcock.

BOOKS & PRINT: Illustrator Maurice Vellekoop returns to comics

Paris during the French Revolution is just one stop on a wild ride from the pen of Toronto illustrator Maurice Vellekoop, who launches The World of Gloria Badcock this month. Last seen in 1997’s Vellevision collection, Gloria and her friends’ latest sexcapades include a lesbian genie, an out-of-control fleshbot and an eccentric time machine. Published by Koyama Press, it’s the first comic in more than 10 years from Vellekoop. The launch, presented by The Beguiling book shop, is hosted by another heroine with well-drawn curves, Sasha Van Bon Bon. 7pm-11pm. Tue, Nov 29. Buddies in Bad Times. 12 Alexander St.

Vellekoop also has works in the LGBT Youth Line and Buddies in Bad Times Theatre auctions this month (Thu, Nov 3 and 10, respectively).

November 3, 2011

Have a chilling Day of the Dead from Bill Russell

Day of the Dead 2011

November 1, 2011


Happy Halloween Boys & Girls



October 31, 2011

Global Brief #8 – Fall 2011

The latest issue of Global Brief is on the newsstand.
Design & Art Direction: Louis Fishauf

You can view an online facsimile at:


October 29, 2011

BK at David Kaye Gallery


Barbara Klunder is exhibiting new work at the David Kay Gallery.

Laure Secord: The Papercuts. The Textiles. The Book.
Show runs November 3 to November 27, 2011
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 5 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

David Kaye Gallery
1092 Queen Street West (entrance on Dovercourt)
Toronto, Canada

October 28, 2011