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Learn to Draw by CTON

Artwork for OwlKids Magazine…Cton corner.


September 23, 2011

Commuting Time

T.Nitto People

September 21, 2011


September 20, 2011

Would You Buy a Used Illustration From This Man? Read more: Daily Heller, Would You Buy a Used Illustration From This Man? — Imprint-The Online Community for Graphic Designers

Article from Steve Heller about Henrik. Click on the image to link to the article.


Boot Weather coming


September 15, 2011


A 2-colour, letterpress print by Steve Dunk. Printed on Etchu Hagaki, a handmade washi card, for the Paper Place’s Second Annual 6 x 8 Exhibition. Exhibition closes September 30, 2011.

Cunning Fox

September 13, 2011



September 12, 2011

Bill’s Map Printed on Wood Veneer

Detail of map with restaurant and vendors printed on cherry wood veneer and illustrated by Bill Russell.

Russell Map on Wood Veneer

September 8, 2011

girl 1 small
girl 2 small

September 6, 2011

What Next For vivaNext

Tracey Wood and Bill Grigsby teamed up to create a series of comic strips for the vivaNext team that’s helping to build and expand the rapid transit network across York Region. There’s going to be a lot of construction in the area for quite awhile and the WHAT NEXT comics will be an ongoing campaign.

September 2, 2011