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Manitoulin Summer 2011

This summer, Bill Russell travelled with a crew from Reactor to Manitoulin Island.

Here’s Bill’s visual diary (PDF) and some prose:

Manitoulin 2011

Bill leads lost children through the wilderness

He drives us through lines of trees on a dusty back road through heat and time. In my gut sits a lump of Dave and Brenda’s whitefish and chips. We stop for supplies at the Foodland and watch Ojiybway carting sodas into a truck. Where do you find First Nations beaded moccasins not made in China? Maybe the hardware store sells ’em besides hunting liscences, fishing lures and DEET. After a look down into the dolomite alvar, we’re off cruising past deep yellow Canola fields under a bright blue sky. Just give me a butter tart, a paddle and more homegrown and set me downstream.

August 12, 2011

Maurice gets tweeted.


August 11, 2011



Vacation for Two

Artwork by Stephanie Power for Today’s Parent Magazine about Parents going on Vacation alone.

todays parent vacation '10

August 10, 2011

Anyone can go to the Island……Island Soda

Bob Fortier created artwork for these Island Soda ads.

islandsoda_metro_limbo islandsoda_metro_office

August 8, 2011

Flare Magazine Feature

Maurice Vellekoop created artwork for Flare Magazine about Canadian Fashion Icons.

August 5, 2011


August 4, 2011

It is the sweet life.

These paintings were inspired by a summer trip to Italy.

At the beach, brightly coloured stripes decorate the cabanas and the umbrellas and are a wonderful graphic backdrop to beautiful bronze bodies. The Italian women like to gossip at the beach while they take in the sun.

topless lady with stripes smallDSC_9333
nude lady on the beach2 smallDSC_9358

August 3, 2011

Long Weekend at the cottage


August 2, 2011

Simon Says

Simon Ng Folktales #1

July 28, 2011