Golf and Drive Event Invite
Jason Munger created this illustration and type treatment for a Golf and Drive Corporate event for NorthWest.
Jason Munger created this illustration and type treatment for a Golf and Drive Corporate event for NorthWest.
Here are 2 images from a portfolio of 8 images titled ‘Seeing There” published in the literary quarterly, DESCANT.
The portfolio is made up of images painted from trips to Italy.
The short animation promo for the SPIRIT OF TALK TALK, a double CD tribute album featuring 30 artists released by Fierce Panda has been uploaded to The CD package is designed by James Marsh using a stunning cover created in 1983 for a prospective Talk Talk’s album ‘Chameleon Hour’ that was never released.
The book, SPIRIT OF TALK TALK featuring James illustrations is also available now. It’s a beautifully designed, richly illustrated book celebrating the music and art of the legendary British band.
January 24, 2013Husband and wife team Henrik Drescher and Wu Wing Yee frequently take on projects working together as Babblelab. Recently they were commissioned to create a special art wrap for an Audi A4 for the Shuhe Arts Festival in Shuhe, Yunnan, China.
January 23, 2013Maurice will be a featured artist along with Art Spiegelman, author of Maus, winner of the Pulitzer Prize, co-founder RAW Magazine, Francoise Mouly, art editor of The New Yorker, founder of Toon Books, co-founder RAW Magazine and numerous other internationally renowned comic artists at TCAF 2013.
Fans of comics, manga, and graphic literature make sure you have cleared your calendar this May to attend the 10th Anniversary of The Toronto Comic Arts Festival!
The Toronto Comic Arts Festival 2013 will be held at the Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street on 
Saturday, May 11th, 2013, from 9 am to 5 pm
 and on Sunday, May 12th, 2013, from 11 am to 5 pm.
January 17, 2013