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Reactor is publishing Blair Drawson’s An Odd Sea

Written and illustrated by Blair Drawson. Designed by Shari Spier. An Odd Sea is a liberty-taking retelling of Homer’s classic. Blair turns a satirical eye on war, sex, identity, technology, misbehaving youth, and the follies of all-powerful gods. The novel is liberally illustrated throughout with Blair’s powerful images. The EPub book, An Odd Sea will be available early September on Apple’s iTune store in the iBook section. Watch for it.


August 29, 2013

James Turner is at Fan Expo Canada 2013

Drop by Fan Expo this weekend. James Turner has a booth at the Expo featuring tons of his goodies. You can pick up a copy of his new book Max Zing, or buy a few new designed buttons, or a limited edition Poster.

Fan Expo Canada 2013

Metro Toronto Convention Centre

255 Front Street West  (Front Street West and Simcoe Street)

Starts: August 22, 2013
Ends: August 25, 2013

Event Time(s):
Friday, August 23: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Saturday, August 24: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Sunday, August 25: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.


August 23, 2013



Here is a cute little gif of a sticker sketch by Alëna Skarina.



August 22, 2013

A personal collage piece, part of “CUT IT OUT!”, a collection of work Louis Fishauf recently published online. To view the whole portfolio on, go to:


August 20, 2013

New Restaurant Identity

Steve Dunk has designed the logo and identity for Toronto’s latest Jamaican restaurant. Located at 852 Pape Avenue in Toronto’s east end, Steady’s Jamaican Home Cooking is now open for business.


August 16, 2013


Radical Illustrations… Past, Present, Future


Radical Illustrators was a one-off issue of Illustrators Magazine No. 38 edited by George Snow and Robert Mason and published by the Association of Illustrators in England in 1981. This groundbreaking issue of Illustrators Magazine captured a moment in the art of illustration when young reactionary illustrators were rejecting the straightforward narrative approaches of the popular mainstream press and breaking new ground with radically new visual styles that have long since become the norm in illustration.

Contributors to Radical Illustrators included Edward Bell, Sue Coe, Georgeanne Deen, Catherine Denvir, Terry Dowling, Blair Drawson, Robert Ellis, Carolyn Gowdy, Anne Howeson, Rod Judkins, Andrzej Klimowski, Stewart Mackinnon, Robert Mason, Shinro Ohtake, Ian Pollock, Liz Pyle, Brothers Quay, Sol Robbins, Christine Roche, George Snow and Jake Tilson.

August 14, 2013

Summer Sketch Book by Jeff Jackson


August 13, 2013

Happy Birthday Roots!

Roots Athletics_blog

On August 15th, 2013, Roots celebrates the 40th anniversary of the store and the brand.

For four formative years in the mid-1980s, as creative director at Reactor Art + Design, I worked closely with Roots founders Michael Budman and Don Green, directing all the company’s visual branding including advertising, brochures, in-store signage, apparel graphics and the creation of several private-label brands. I have many fond memories of the regular Friday afternoon “creative” sessions that Michael, Don, Bill Grigsby and I had in the back alcove of my office at Reactor.

Primarily a footwear and leather-goods retailer when we first began working with them, Michael and Don recognized the need for Roots to expand its product offering, and saw athletic wear as a perfect entrée into the apparel market. To brand this new venture, I appropriated Heather Cooper’s beaver from the original Roots logo, and added the varsity-style typography. This logo design, still in use today, has been printed on [probably] millions of tee shirts and sweatshirts, and has become a Canadian icon. The phenomenal success of Roots Athletics helped propel Roots out of its footwear niche and set the stage for its subsequent success in the larger apparel market.

Below are assorted logos and hangtags we designed for some of Roots’ private-label brands.

- Louis Fishauf

Roots stuff_blog




August 10, 2013

Can You Have to Much Bliss……..The Daily Heller

Click on the image below and link to The Daily Heller article on Henrik Drescher, 8-7-13, in Print online, written by Steve Heller.


August 8, 2013