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Bob Fortier Guerilla Covers In The 1970’s.

Long before the days of Eye and Now Magazine, Toronto had an alternative culture biweekly newspaper. The first issue of Guerilla, costing 25 cents, was published on June 5, 1970.


During it’s three year existence, the paper featured many illustrations (the pay was free pizza) by Toronto’s emerging illustration community. Bob Fortier was a frequent contributor.


The paper provided information on how to survive as a “hippie” in the urban city, contact information for newly arrived Vietnam War deserters and draft dodgers and frequently covered issues from a left-wing perspective such as the Stop The Spadina Expressway, pollution and corporate greed. The paper lasted until June of 1973.

February 20, 2013


Bob Fortier is in the upcoming April 2012 issue of Chickadee Magazine.

March 26, 2012

The Long Path To Recovery

Bob Fortier’s comment on the state of the economy.

December 14, 2011

Bob and Chickadee

Here are two spread illustrations by Bob Fortier, commissioned for Chickadee Magazine (thanks Susan) for the December 2011 issue.


November 17, 2011

Bob’s On The Streets Again!


Bob Fortier is one of three illustrators commissioned by Maclaren McCann to contribute illustrations to the MasterCard PayPass transit shelter campaign currently running. The campaign links transit shelter advertising, Tweets, Facebook and youtube. Check it out.

August 17, 2011

Anyone can go to the Island……Island Soda

Bob Fortier created artwork for these Island Soda ads.

islandsoda_metro_limbo islandsoda_metro_office

August 8, 2011

Thinking Bob.


A couple of idea sketches from Bob Fortier.

June 3, 2011