How to do an easy holiday smokey eye
Alëna Skarina did this step-by-step tutorial for the December issue of Today’s Parent on “How to do an easy holiday smokey eye”.
Alëna Skarina did this step-by-step tutorial for the December issue of Today’s Parent on “How to do an easy holiday smokey eye”.
‘Select Works with a Twist’ opens today at the Idea Exchange in Cambridge. The collection exhibition features 17 rugs by artists and illustrators represented by Reactor Art and Design, as well as nine limited edition tapestries designed by famous 20th century artists.
Featuring the work of Fernand Léger, Max Ernst, Jean (Hans) Arp, Joan Miro, Alexander Calder, Victor Vasarely, Andy Warhol, Barbara Klunder, Rene Zamic, Jeff Jackson, Maurice Vellekoop, Jamie Bennett, James Marsh, and Steven Guarnaccia.
Curated by Esther E. Shipman.
January 16 – February 5, 2017
Idea Exchange Art + Design | Design at Riverside Gallery
7 Melville Street S., Cambridge, ON
Opening Reception: Wednesday, January 18, 7:00pm
For more information, visit
Maurice Vellekoop painted this striking set of gouache Christmas cards for the 2016 holiday season.
Stay warm out there.
Maurice Vellekoop was commissioned to create the cover and inside visuals for this CD package and booklet.
Hey fashion illustration LOVERS, you can study Digital Illustration with Stephanie Power on Tuesday nights at Ryerson’s Chang School this coming winter! The course outline is here. Learn to enhance your basic skills in photoshop and illustrator in a very creative way! It promises to be a fun semester.
December 15, 2010