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Maurice Vellekoop and Harry Rosen

Commission by Bob Goulart, Goulart Ink Limited.


January 6, 2012

Last Dance for Faces

There was an article in Boston Magazine that ran last year about a club in Cambridge, Mass called Faces. Faces was ‘the club’ to go to in the 70’s in Cambridge.   Boston Magazine commissioned Maurice to do an illustration to merge with a photo, photo by Bob O’Connor.  Click on photo/illustration to link to the original Boston Magazine story.


A guy by the name of Will is very thankful for Faces because it’s where his mom and dad first met. They fell in love, got married, had him and are still together today. Will saw the artwork in the magazine and contacted us to commission a print be made for his parents as a Xmas gift.


January 4, 2012


Brian Bantugan (FAB) enters the world of Maurice Vellekoop and his partner in crime, Gloria Badcock.  Click on the image to connect to the FAB website interview.


Launch is tonight.
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, 12 Alexander St.
7 – 10pm

November 29, 2011

The Launch of Maurice Vellekoop’s New Comic


November 23, 2011

Vellekoop and The Bay

This was a board game promotion for employees working at the Queen Street Bay.

Game board large lo-res

November 9, 2011

Vive la différence Written by IN Toronto

OOH LA LA The World of Gloria Badcock.

BOOKS & PRINT: Illustrator Maurice Vellekoop returns to comics

Paris during the French Revolution is just one stop on a wild ride from the pen of Toronto illustrator Maurice Vellekoop, who launches The World of Gloria Badcock this month. Last seen in 1997’s Vellevision collection, Gloria and her friends’ latest sexcapades include a lesbian genie, an out-of-control fleshbot and an eccentric time machine. Published by Koyama Press, it’s the first comic in more than 10 years from Vellekoop. The launch, presented by The Beguiling book shop, is hosted by another heroine with well-drawn curves, Sasha Van Bon Bon. 7pm-11pm. Tue, Nov 29. Buddies in Bad Times. 12 Alexander St.

Vellekoop also has works in the LGBT Youth Line and Buddies in Bad Times Theatre auctions this month (Thu, Nov 3 and 10, respectively).

November 3, 2011

Maurice Vellekoop buttons for Cosmetics Magazine


October 11, 2011

Steve Jobs – 1955-2011


October 6, 2011

CA Magazine Cover

Maurice did this illustration for the cover of CA Magazine, May 2011 issue.


September 28, 2011

Catch Maurice Vellekoop @ Fan Expo


August 26, 2011