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Best Readings of the Season

R.O. Blechman did the cover and inside artworks for the New York Times 2011 book Review picks. 100 Notable Books of 2011.  Click on the image to link to the New York Times website, or pick up a copy of the Times December 4th.

Picture 1

November 30, 2011


August 30, 2011

blechman bride 006

July 19, 2011

R.O. Blechman gets a Reuben from the National Cartoonist Society

THE MILTON CANIFF LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD is awarded by unanimous vote of the NCS Board of Directors. It is given for a lifetime of outstanding and accomplished work to a cartoonist.

Very well deserved Bob.


May 30, 2011

T-Shirt designs by R.O. Blechman

Here are just a few T-shirt designs created by R.O. Blechman.  You can find these foodie T-shirts selling as gift shirts in some restaurants across the U.S.A.  Pasta & Provisions in Charlotte, NC have the ‘Eat Pasta run Fasta’ and ‘Eat Pasta Bike Fasta’ designs by Bob.


May 11, 2011

It’s a baby boy for Steve and Jenn

6 pounds, 6 ounces
Baby Benjamin Christopher Dunk
Born March 11, 2011

March 22, 2011

Can’t get enough of R.O.Blechman


March 4, 2011

Another R.O. Blechman Fabulous Book

ISBN: 978 2 85107 252 8
142 page book filled with Blechman illustrations
soft cover, pocket size 5 x 7.5 high


February 11, 2011

Zimmer Gender Knee


Just one of many images created for the Zimmer Gender Knee print and TV campaign.

January 17, 2011

Cheers from R.O. Blechman

R.O.Blechman-Xmas Cheer

December 29, 2010