R.O. Blechman gets a Reuben from the National Cartoonist Society
THE MILTON CANIFF LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD is awarded by unanimous vote of the NCS Board of Directors. It is given for a lifetime of outstanding and accomplished work to a cartoonist.
Very well deserved Bob.
T-Shirt designs by R.O. Blechman
Here are just a few T-shirt designs created by R.O. Blechman. Â You can find these foodie T-shirts selling as gift shirts in some restaurants across the U.S.A. Â Pasta & Provisions in Charlotte, NC have the ‘Eat Pasta run Fasta’ and ‘Eat Pasta Bike Fasta’ designs by Bob.
It’s a baby boy for Steve and Jenn
6 pounds, 6 ounces
Baby Benjamin Christopher Dunk
Born March 11, 2011