This animation was originally commissioned and aired in 1966 for CBS. Fourty four years later (this year) Canyon Partners out of Los Angles re-commissioned the animation for their Christmas E-card. Thank you Canyon for reviving this wonderful piece of history.
Back in 1979, Bill Russell was commissioned by the Toronto Globe and Mail to create a series of drawings at the Loveboat Disco on King Street West. The art director wanted him to do clandestine drawings of the male strippers performing there. He was only used doing courtroom drawings of long boring trials. He drew in the dark while the music played and the women were hollering. Here’s one:
Clayton Hanmer is one of over 40 Artists in the KRAMPUSNACHT show.  Opening Party Thursday Dec 2nd, 7:30pm – 1am at the Resistor Gallery, 284 College Street E (just west of Spadina), 2nd Floor, Toronto.  Show runs Monday-Friday 10am – 5pm until January 10, 2011
These Reactor mini Artist Portfolios make a wonderful Xmas gift at $50.00 each portfolio. Each portfolio features five beautiful prints at 3 x 4 inches in size.  Great for framing individually or all together as one large piece.  The mini Portfolios by Blair Drawson and Alëna Skarina are Erotic prints. Jeff Jackson’s mini portfolio is about the famed architect “Le Corbusier”. Drop by the Reactor Studio to purchase or to have a look at them.