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Blair Drawson’s image selected for inclusion in Air Mail, the online weekly magazine.

I Can’t Breathe
June 2020 acrylic, 19 x 14″

The white man fears to be unfeared,
To be bereft of power, best years past.
He therefore wears a fearful face
And oils his guns in anger, and stands fast.

The black man fears for his very life,
The welfare of his children, and his race.
He’s seen as dark, a shadow-man,
And so he also wears a fearful face.

October 14, 2020

R.O. Blechman Turns 90

Happy Birthday from everyone at Reactor!

This week, in Print Magazine Steven Heller wrote a nice memory piece.

Here’s a link to an earlier article on Bob.

October 9, 2020

Flora and Fauna

Bill Russell painted a utility box recently in the city of Dublin, California. This creative use of public art called Flora and Fauna is one example of how art can enhance and beautify street life.

August 12, 2020

Covid Life

Reactor has published another small letterpress edition of Jeff Jackson’s drawings that he did during the recent Spring months of Covid lockdown.

Jeff Jackson’s Covid Life is printed in an edition of 50. Each 8.5″ X 11″ print is letterpress printed on Neenah Printable Blotter 24 pt. paper in one colour by well known Canadian letterpress printer, Neil Wismayer at his shop, Lunar Caustic Press in Toronto and bears Jeff Jackson’s personal stamp.

Covid Life is available for purchase. The price is $75.00 U.S. plus shipping. To order, contact








July 20, 2020

Alive in Isolation

Starting on June 20, 2020, Carolyn Gowdy is exhibiting in the Alive in Isolation group show at Aldeburgh Beach Lookout and online at Alone in the Universe. Enjoy a socially-distanced visit to the Lookout and the show through to July 14, 2020.

June 26, 2020

Rike Ablang Helps The Planet

Last month, Rike was part of a team hosting “How to Help the Planet” week on Instagram. Rike’s art from that week is included here


March 10, 2020

Blair Drawson on Remembrance Day

November 11, 2019

Opening Tonight

Starting at 7pm, the Northern Contemporary Gallery is hosting Off Brand, an art show that is commentary, criticism and everything in between.

Located at 1605 Queen Street West in Toronto, the show will run until October 22, 2019.

October 17, 2019

Bill Russell’s Postcard Adventures

Bill Russell always carries a small postcard-sized watercolour pad on his vacations. Bill Grigsby suggested putting a postage stamp on each and mail them to himself. So far none have gone missing. Here are a few from Bill’s recent trip to Vancouver Island.

August 20, 2019

Summer Squad by Alëna Skarina

Summer is slowly on its way and so here is this illustration by Alëna Skarina.

June 13, 2019